Dating Coaching

Does this sound Familiar?
Are you frustrated with the dating process? Feeling like you can’t attract or find a good partner that aligns with the kind of relationship you want to create? Feeling like all the good ones are gone? Dating can feel time consuming and like a part-time job. You may be feeling like your ~
Losing your confidence
Starting to feel hopeless
Feeling rejected
That you always pick the wrong one
That you’re not accurately screening out or vetting these potential partners
That you’re getting more anxious about putting yourself out there
Worried that you’re going to get hurt
Have a hard time opening up and communicating
Not sure how to find a partner that aligns with you
This is where we at Alignment can help! We would love to help you enjoy the dating experience by helping you:
Build your confidence
Understand your patterns in relationships. Why you attract certain types of people, what you really want in a partner, your core relationship needs, identify your strengths and deficits.
Help you identify red/green flags
Help you to stand and align with your values and integrity
Help you understand the neurobiology of dating and what’s going on in your brain when you start to fall knee deep for a partner. This becomes imperative to understand or you will go off “the feelings” rather than the person.
Questions to ask on dates to better understand your potential partner
Learn effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills
Understand and set healthy boundaries
Help you create a vision of your ideal relationship, who you have to be to attract this and your deal breakers.
Help you identify and connect with your parts that are seemly getting in the way. We all have inner parts (i.e. Anxious parts, critic parts, inner child parts, playful parts, etc). We have to understand these parts so we can better understand ourselves.